Visual Arts:
2003 B.F.A., Honors, with Distinction, California College of Arts and Crafts (CCAC, now CCA), Individualized Major, Sculpture and Film/Video/Performance, Oakland and San Francisco, CA
2013 TRACES African Arts Exchange, Axis Syllabus (AS), Artistik Africa, Cotonou, Benin
2012-2015 Axis Syllabus Teacher Candidate, Berlin/various
2006-08 The School of Toronto Dance Theatre, Professional Training Program
2004-06 Ballet Creole School of Performing Arts, Professional Training Program
Professional Experience/Dance/Choreography/Curation
2018 Truthteller and The Reckoning at Summerworks, Toronto, ON
LAVA, Collective Transformative Practices, Agora, Berlin, GE
2016 Taking it to the Grave and ...Truthteller… aceartinc Winnipeg, MB
...Truthteller… Montreal Arts Interculturelles MAI, Montreal, QC, aceartinc, Winnipeg, MB
2015 ...Truthteller... Capitalism, Sex and Magic series, Dancemakers, Toronto, ON
2014 The Coup, Canadian Launch, Dancemakers Centre for Creation, Toronto
Private Dancer, SALTA, City Limits Gallery, Oakland, The News, SOMArts, SF
The Coup, The Prequel: Bay Area Edition, Kunstoff Artspace, SF
2013 Cover Me Performa 13 with Alex Romania, the basement, Brooklyn NY
more than one way to skin a cat w/ Francesca Pedulla, PS:we are all here
Made-to-Order, Canada Dance Festival, Ottawa, ON
2012 Eulogy, Made-to-Order, Festival of New Dance, St John’s, Newfoundland
Artistic Director/Curator Badass Dance Fun: a minifestival, Harbourfront Centre, Toronto
Karaoke Dance Project at Badass Dance Fun, Harbourfront Centre, Toronto, ON
Made-to-Order, Rhubarb Festival,Toronto, Edge of the Woods Festival Huntsville, Ontario,
Festival of New Dance, St John’s Newfoundland
2011 The Deer in Headlights Side-show/Slide-show at Fringe Toronto, ON
Collisions Festival, Hot Seat, Young Centre for the Performing Arts, Toronto
fu-fu-fu-FRENZY! George Brown Year-end Dance Program Showcase, Toronto,
2010 Curator, Artistic Director, Producer; Dance in My Backyard (DIMBY) Festival, Toronto
Made-to-Order Dance Project in DIMBY, Toronto
Ah! Mes Synchronettes! at Guelph Contemporary Dance Festival, Guelph, ON
Co-Curator for Dance Matters Series, Toronto
2009 Co-Founder/head of programming, Toronto Dance Community Love-In (2009-2015)
The In Crowd, DIMBY, Dance Matters, Fresh Blood, Harbourfront Centre, Toronto
Made-to-Order, Nuit Blanche, presented by Dance Ontario, Distillery District, Toronto
Dance in My Backyard (DIMBY) Curator, Artistic Director, Producer, Toronto
Ah! Mes Synchronettes! Choreographer, Co-Director, BravoFACT
Selected Residencies
2018 Artist in Focus, Queer Kinship Ritual, Agora, June/July 2018, Berlin, Germany, Whole
Shebang, Philadelphia
2016 Taking it to the Grave, Aceartinc artist in residence, Winnipeg, Manitoba
2015 ...Truthteller... Teaching Artist in Residence, Whole Shebang, Philadelphia, USA
2014 The Coup -The Garage/Kunstoff Artspace, San Francisco and Lake Studios, Berlin
2013 democratic body duet with Matthew Smith- WUK, Vienna
Selected Teaching
2018 Aggressive Snuggling, School for New Dance Development, Amsterdam, Whole
Shebang, Philadelphia, Danscentrum, Stockholm
2017 Love and Rage practice for Movement Disorder, Los Angeles CA
Aggressive Snuggling, ImPulsTanz, Vienna, Studio 303, Montreal, Toronto Love-In, VAC
Arts Foundation, Moscow
2016 Faking it ‘til We’re Making it, Studio 303, aceartinc/Young Lungs Dance Exchange MB
Unambitious TRY-athlon, Braunschweig University of Art (HBK), Germany
ESP Part one, P-af, performing arts forum, St Ermes, France
2015 Faking it ‘til We’re Making it, Dance Centre, Vancouver, Studio 303, ImPulsTanz
Democratic Body, co-teacher Matthew Smith, ImPulsTanz, Vienna, AU
TXTGYM, body and theory, P-af, performing arts forum, St Ermes, France
Spinal mechanics-in water/on land and CI, (HBK), Germany
Democratic Body, The School of Making Thinking, Abrons Arts Center, NYC, USA
Professional Technique Classes and Faking It til We're Making It, The Whole Shebang,
Philadelphia, US
Pre-Jam classes for contact jams, International
2014 Democratic Body, co-taught Matthew Smith, ImPulsTanz, Vienna, AU
Democratic Body, Running mechanics, Braunschweig University of Art (HBK), Germany
Open professional contemporary classes, Kunstoff artspace, SF
Contact for Queers and Ladies, Oakland and Berkeley
2013 Democratic Body, co-taught Matthew Smith, ImPulsTanz Brunnenpassage, Vienna, AU
you+me=us,(HBK), Germany, National Arts Centre, CDF, Ottawa, Dance Exchange,
Washington DC
2012 Introductory Movement workshops, Downward Dog Yoga Centre, Toronto
Weeklong CI/Partnering workshop co-taught with Yves Candau, Love-In, Toronto
Pre-Jam classes for contact jams, Toronto, ON, London, UK
2011 Full day int/adv CI Workshop co-taught with Yves Candau, Toronto
Pre-Jam Class, London Contact Improvisation, London, UK, CI Workshop
Weeklong CI/Partnering workshop with Yves Candau, Love-In, Toronto
2010 Contact /Modern, George Brown Dance Program, George Brown College, Toronto
Selected Grants/Awards
2018 Vanguard Award for Risk and Innovation for Truthteller and The Reckoning,
Summerworks and Buddies in Bad Times
2016 Truthteller included in best performances of 2016, Jacob Wren
2015 Grants to Dance Professionals, Canada Council for the Arts
Travel Grant to Dance Professionals to teach at ImPulsTanz
2014 Chalmers Arts Fellowship, Ontario Arts Council
Travel Grant to Dance Professionals to teach at ImPulsTanz
2012 Project Grant, Toronto Arts Council, BadassDanceFun: a minifestival, Harbourfront Centre
2011 Grants to Dance Professionals, Canada Council for the Arts, Nomadic College, AS
2010 Fresh Air Award, DIMBY ‘Best of 2010’ by Paula Citron in the Globe and Mail
Chalmers Professional Development Grant, Ontario Arts Council
Grants to Dance Professionals, Canada Council for the Arts, ImPulsTanz, Vienna, AU
Dance Ontario, Innovation Award
2009 Honorable Mention, Paula Citron Emerging Dance Artist Award, The In Crowd
Toronto Arts Council, Dance Projects Grant for DIMBY
2008 BravoFACT Grant (Co-director Andrew Munger) Ah! Mes Synchronettes! dance film
Canada Council for the Arts, Travel Grant to Dance Professionals