Taking it to the Grave (the funeral) 2016
4 performers
4 hours
Taking it to the Grave was a ceremonial performance on the edge of life and death.
Makers: Lady Janitor and Glamdrew aka Eroca Nicols and Glamdrew Henderson.
Performers: Carly Boyce, Mars Gradiva, Glamdrew Henderson, Eroca Nicols
Sound: AW Lee Production manager: Sandy Klowak
Text from press release, October 2016:
"Your confessions tattooed fresh on fading flesh.
Lady Janitor and Glamdrew are proud to present a once in a lifetime performance situation on the brink of life and death. As artists, friends and co-workers turned collaborators, Clandeboye native Glamdrew Henderson and Toronto-based Eroca Nicols have found new life in death as Glam transitions from stage manager to performer to the divine beyond. Together they will be presenting two works, Taking it to the Grave and Truthteller, sister shows performing ritual and ritualizing performance.
With research support from Young Lungs Dance Exchange, Eroca and Glam (aka Lady Janitor and Glamdrew) concoct a ritual specifically for Glamdrew’s death. Dying of chemotherapy treatments and incurable lymphoblastic lymphoma, Glamdrew has embraced their death with an open heart, full of love as they live out their days both in Winnipeg and at their rural family home in Clandeboye, Manitoba. In Taking it to the Grave, Glamdrew will be hearing confessions from the audience which will be transformed into icons or symbols and then tattooed live on their body. The audience is invited to witness the work as they rest in peace and power, lounging in a highly charged space that exists somewhere between a fantasy spa realm, a coffin tour and a dance show. The process is private, public and performed. "
more on Taking it to the Grave
- Sister show to Truthteller.
- Glam's living funeral
- Glam is tattooed with secrets the audience would like them to take to the grave
- All the same elements from Truthteller, the nature drag, ghost of the nature drag forest,
the gold fabric Glam was buried with, the glitter, the manicures
- Was performed twice in Winnipeg. Glam died two days after the final performance.
- This work died when Glam died, it will never be performed again.
- documented in photo essay by Michelle panting.

Photos credit : Full Magazine