Truthteller (pre terminal) 2015
3 performers
1-1.5 hours
Maker: Eroca Nicols aka Lady Janitor
Performers: Eroca Nicols, Carly Boyce
and Simon Portigal or Madeleine Shen
Volunteer choir
Sound: AW Lee, Thomas Herzog
A solo, not solo work by Lady Janitor featuring:
feats of fear facing and concentration, questions
and answers, femme-tasticone-on-one time, calling
on and calling out the past, present and future,
conversation, acquatechnics, live lifelong lasting body alteration, dancing, sweating, movement and yes, truthtelling.
Are we seeing or being seen? What are we saying yes to and are we allowed to say no?
At once a ritual and a deconstruction of the ritual of contemporary performance, Truthteller deals with what and how we consent to participate in collective action. What are we agreeing to and how did we get here?
What are we doing when we think we are watching? Where and how do consent come into play in contemporary performances romance and ritual?
Truthteller concentrates on calling on and calling out the past, present and future intersections of ritual, performance and community care.
more on Truthteller:
-community responsibility,
-consent, sit according to how much touch and interaction you want from the Truthteller,
-illustration/investigation of ritual and actual ritual at the same time, truthunder pressure
and from a variety of vantage points,
-pedantic over clarification at every step of the way through each audience interaction,
-nature drag, audience enterss space as a forest
-audience watching other audience make choices,
-performed with my eyes closed so people take care of me and/or take advantage,
-one finger manicures are offered to several lucky audience members preshow, they tell
me a secret or ask me a question, I give them a middle finger manicure,
-ongoing (I am tattooed in the work while being asked questions to which I respond
truthfully-when the tattoo is done -the show will no longer be performed, it is finite
it will die.)
-Truthteller premiered when Glam had been diagnosed but was not yet terminal. It was
the first show Glam was not involved in (as the stage manager of my life) since we met.

Photos credit : Henry Chan